
Novato Charter School shines through its teachers, its staff, its curriculum, and its specialty classes.

Novato Charter School is a school of choice and not all programs are funded by the State or District. Philanthropy is a vital component to the success of NCS, and there are a number of ways to support the school to ensure that we successfully supplement the difference between state funding and the actual cost of delivering an education guided by the Core Principles of Public Waldorf℠ Education.

Voluntary Annual Pledge

The Foundation requests that families make a voluntary tax-deductible annual pledge that fully funds field trips, class materials & supplies, facility rentals for festivals & class events, campus maintenance & improvements, and the overall cost of our exemplary specialty classes including Music, Handwork, Movement, Organic Gardening, and Spanish. Contributions to the Foundation are essential to ensure the continuity of our unique program.

* Annual pledges and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID #68-0470644


Make a Pledge

Make your annual pledge by submitting this form & we’ll email you an invoice that you can pay online or by mail.

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Fundraising Auction

Stay up-to-date on our annual fundraising auction!

Shop to Give

Did you know you can support NCS when you shop?


Online Donations

Every gift given, no matter the size, is honored and appreciated!